Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hey guys so it's Reagan and I am writing this to tell you what's been going on lately. Well, as you know it's Spring Break for me and Cayla. So my dad was like "Do you want to go to the AG store this week?" and I said "Sure, but can we invite Cayla and her mom?" So some stuff happened and like Cayla ended up not being able to go to the NYC AG strore with us on the date we were going, and we couldn't do it another day. So I asked my other friend Abbey and her little sister Jillian if they wanted to go. Some things are going on with our parents trying to make it work, but they probably aren't going to be able to go with us. :(

But here's the date I'm going.     Thursday April 5, 2012. I am going to the NYC AG store. We are leaving at 7am and we will get there at noon( I live pretty far away from it). I will be there from 12pm to 4pm. If you can go that's great! Sorry it's such short notice but we were having trouble with our schedule so yeah. When I get back I'll post a video on what I got. If you can't come I still <3 you! :D

Here's my picture so that you know who to look for if you DO go. That's me to the left. And Cayla to the right. But sadly she wont be there. Well that's it! BYE!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

      <3 Reagan

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